Libro de Cabildo. Copia de la mayor parte, y más ... importante y util del libro primero q.e comienza en ocho de Marzo de 1524 y finaliza en 10 de Junio de 1529, en que se asentaron todos los cabildos y juntas ... en dicho tiempo : Mexico City, 1524 Mar. 8 - 1529 June 7.


Libro de Cabildo. Copia de la mayor parte, y más ... importante y util del libro primero q.e comienza en ocho de Marzo de 1524 y finaliza en 10 de Junio de 1529, en que se asentaron todos los cabildos y juntas ... en dicho tiempo : Mexico City, 1524 Mar. 8 - 1529 June 7.

Copy of the records of municipal councils in Mexico City, here designated as "Temextitan" and "Tenustitan," corruptions of "Tenochtitlán," extending only through June 7, 1529; with notes at end describing the volume copied and its preservation by Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora from the 1692 conflagration and riot. Substantially identical in context with item 2 of José Fernando Ramírez ... , "Monumentos Históricos y Políticos de la Administración Colonial" (M-M 158).

Originals : 260 p. ; 32 cm.Copies : partial microfilm reel (127 exposures) : negative (Rich. 101:5) and positive.


SNAC Resource ID: 7017540

UC Berkeley Libraries

Related Entities

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Ramírez G., José Fernando (person)

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Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de, 1645-1700 (person)

Poet, author, mathematician, historian, geographer. Born 1645 and died 1700 in Mexico City. Entered Society of Jesus 1660, took vows 1662, and left the order in 1667 or 1669. In 1672 became catedrático of astrology and mathematics at the University of Mexico. Ordained as priest in 1673. Chaplain of the Hospital del Amor de Dios from 1682 until his death. Wrote description of June 8, 1692, riot in protest of corn prices, during which he saved government archives from burning. As royal geographer...